Course curriculum

Learn a whole new way to create impactful virtual training and move from Data to Action

    1. A message from your instructor

    2. Before you go...

    3. Next steps

    1. Introduction

    2. Definition of Virtual Training

    3. Being Highly Interactive

    4. Being Synchronous Online

    5. Being Instructor Led

    6. Having Defined Learning Objectives

    7. Having Geographically Dispersed Participants

    8. Connecting Individually

    9. Web Classroom Platforms

    1. Introduction

    2. The Importance of having a Training Process

    3. Overview of the 4 A's Training Model

    4. The Assessment Phase

    5. The Awareness Phase

    6. The Assimilation Phase

    7. The Application Phase

    8. Analytics and Reporting with the 4A's Training Model

    1. Introduction

    2. A Quick overview of the Methodology

    3. Defining the Assessment Phase

    4. Understanding the Knowledge Phase

    5. Structuring the Virtual Sessions

    6. Importance of Intersession Assignments

    7. Application and ROI from Training

    1. Tools for the Assessment Phase

    2. Setting up the Knowledge Sessions

    3. How to manage Assignments

    4. Setting up Application Sessions

    5. A word about Data, how to Analyse Training Data

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 51 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content